Bhutan’s internal migration rate highest in South Asia
This article focuses on an area in South Asia which is experiencing high levels of internal migration.
There are many triggers for this movement of people wich include education and employment.
“Success in education is the most important reason. Migrants come in search of a better life and hence are highly motivated, hardworking and adaptive and provide labour for economic development in more productive sectors,”
Bhutan’s urban growth rate on an average today is more than seven percent. this means that other sectors of industry have suffered especially agriculture.
. “The entire future of Bhutan will be shaped by human migration, which will have enormous impact upon our culture, social relationship, economy and, ultimately, the transformation of the nation.”
Think about why people move around.
consider PUSH and PULL factors
1. Push Factors:
Conditions that drive people to leave their homes Examples:
Land scarce in home country Political and/or religious persecution Revolutions Poverty
Conditions that drive people to leave their homes Examples:
Land scarce in home country Political and/or religious persecution Revolutions Poverty
2. Pull Factors:
Conditions that attract people to a new area Examples:
Promise of freedom (religious and political) Hope for a new life Industry Jobs Land “Streets paved with gold”
Conditions that attract people to a new area Examples:
Promise of freedom (religious and political) Hope for a new life Industry Jobs Land “Streets paved with gold”
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Try and compare movement of people in lesser economically developed countries (LEDC'S) to movement of people within more economically developed countries (MEDC's).
Are there any differences? why are there differences?
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